A Premium Internet Service

We are presently serving customers at Pine Hill Park and Vanceville Rd in Tifton, GA, as well as Stacks Rd in Valdosta, GA. For all other internet service requests, we'll prioritize them and initiate deployment once we reach the minimum number of customers required for expanding to the requested location. We appreciate your understanding and patience. Thank you.

Customer SpeedTest Portal

Public SpeedTest Portal

What customers are saying about us:

"WISPerNet hasn't failed us. Rain or shine we are always online!" - Evelyn T.

"Its not like any other internet. I still don't understand how they are faster than (Previous ISP) when I've got just the basic package!" - Charles E.

"I'm glad we switched to WISPerNet. (PREVIOUS ISP) was always out for our business, but in the past year WISPerNet has provided us with exceptional service!" - Behr Global

"This is no ordinary service. Their network is well-thought and organized. No one could get service where I am, but they did! - Beau C.

"Our company has grown exponentially in the last year, and a great percentage of that growth was due to WISPerNet's services. The strategic planning that took place for our own portals, servers, and network architecture at a price you can't beat. These guys know what they are doing!" - NexGen Solutions


WISPerNet is your local Premium Internet Service Provider servicing parts of Tifton and Valdosta, GA. We partner with the largest fiber companies and deliver extreme speeds directly from our hub to your residence.

About Us

Lightning Fast Internet

Utilizing the latest technology, we provide internet services to the hardest to reach places. By installing air fiber devices we are able transmit fast and secure data via wireless access points to individual homes. This limits the need for digging and trenching fiber or cable while still maintaining above your normal speeds.

WISPerNet Services

WISPerNet provides unlimited high speed internet access to each customer. Whether you are an online gamer, work from home employee, or just want to watch your favorite online streaming service, we provide the fastest speeds with no internet dropouts.